As the popularity of sea moss has grown in recent years, so too has the market for fake or adulterated sea moss products. These fake products can be ineffective or even harmful to consume, so it's important to be able to tell the difference between real and fake sea moss.
In short: Real sea moss is harvested from the ocean and typically comes in the form of dried, raw seaweed. No chemicals are used in harvesting sea moss.
Fake sea moss is usually grown in tanks with strong chemicals, preservatives, additives and salt which can be harmful.
Fake Sea Moss
Pool grown sea moss is often made from a combination of cheaper ingredients like carrageenan, a type of seaweed extract that is commonly used as a food thickener. Harmful chemicals , such as man made preservatives are also typically added to this type of "fake sea moss".
Microorganisms: Contamination with harmful bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms can occur if the water used in cultivation tanks is not adequately treated or monitored. Improper sanitation practices or contamination from external sources can introduce pathogens into the water, which may affect the safety of the sea moss.
Toxins from Algal Blooms: In some cases, pool-grown sea moss may be susceptible to contamination with toxins produced by harmful algal blooms (HABs). These toxins, such as microcystins or saxitoxins, can be released into the water and absorbed by the sea moss, posing health risks if ingested.
Fake sea moss is commonly produced in East Asia and imported all over the world at very low prices. At Pure Sea Moss UK , we source our sea moss directly from our supplier in St Lucia which is naturally grown without the use of chemicals or preservatives. Our sea moss is 100% wildcrafted, sun dried and organic. We lab test our sea moss in batches for heavy metals for a peace of mind.
Some ways to identify pool grown sea moss
Appearance:Fake sea moss typically exhibits a noodle-like appearance with a relatively consistent texture throughout. It may feature thicker stems compared to authentic sea moss and often feels slippery or rubbery to the touch.
These characteristics can help identify fake sea moss products that aim to mimic the appearance of real sea moss while lacking it's natural variability and authenticity. When soaked, fake sea moss usually breaks apart in a uniform-like way.
Smell:Pool grown sea moss has a strong chemical like smell opposed to a natural Ocean smell.
As fake sea moss usually has added chemicals and added salt, it has a pungent off-putting taste.
Shelf Life:Natural sea moss gel lasts for up to 2-3 weeks (depending how it is stored), while pool grown sea moss can last up to many months due to many added preservatives and additives.
So why is it so important to use real sea moss instead of fake? For starters, fake sea moss will not provide the same nutritional benefits as the real thing. Additionally, fake products may contain harmful additives or chemicals that could be dangerous to consume. Pool grown sea moss is usually completely covered in 'added' salt and has a strong chlorine smell.
In conclusion, real sea moss is a nutrient-rich superfood that can offer a wide range of health benefits. However, it's important to be able to distinguish between real and fake sea moss in order to ensure that you're getting a product that is safe and effective. By doing your research and purchasing from a reputable supplier, you can enjoy all the benefits of this powerful seaweed without any of the risks. Wildcrafted St. Lucia sea moss stands out as a superior option due to its natural purity and nutrient richness.
Our company takes pride in offering the cleanest sea moss sourced directly from the pristine waters of St. Lucia. Unlike pool-grown alternatives, wildcrafted sea moss benefits from its untouched marine habitat, ensuring a broad spectrum of essential minerals and nutrients. With no exposure to artificial additives or contaminants often associated with cultivation practices, our wildcrafted sea moss maintains its authenticity and nutritional integrity.
Author: Pureseamossuk
Updated: 12/05/2024